How To Be A Quick Turn Real Estate Millionaire

Posted by neil on October 04, 2010

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are doing well.

This past weekend, Ron LeGrand was in Toronto presenting to members of Don R. Campbell’s Real Estate Investment Network (REIN).

For those of you that do not know, Ron LeGrand is renowned in North America as a real estate expert and lecturer who has taught thousands of people how to earn big incomes through his ‘quick turn’ real estate strategy.

In Ron’s ‘quick turn’ real estate strategy, personal income and credit is not used when buying and selling properties.

Ron has personally bought and sold more than 1,600 homes and is known as the “Guru” of quick turn real estate.

Ron, also known as the “millionaire maker” has taught more than 250,000 students how to be a Quick Turn Real Estate Millionaire.

I am a member of The Real Estate Investment Network (REIN). At our member events, I often help out where ever I can.

After Ron had finished presenting this weekend at our member event, myself and a fellow REIN member and friend got the opportunity to drive Ron back to the Airport so that he could catch his flight back to the USA.

Our member event was being held about 5 minutes away from the Pearson International Airport in Toronto, and we were driving Ron directly to the Airport.

I took these 5 minutes to ask Ron the most intelligent questions I could think of. I always take full advantage of asking successful people questions, in order to gain an insight into how they view things.

Here is what I asked Ron:

Neil: “Ron, in your years of presenting to students all across North America, what do you feel has been the commonality between the students that have become successful with the Quick Turn strategies?”

Ron LeGrand: “They have been committed.  They weren’t just there (in the class) to collect information.”

Further, I told Ron that Don R. Campbell of The Real Estate Investment Network, has a great quote.  I told Ron that the quote is, “The most successful people do not wait for all of the lights to turn green before taking action.”

Ron commented that he liked that quote and gave a quote of his own.  His quote was something to the effect of, “80% of America’s CEOs have made crucial decisions with only 20% of the information”

So what does this all mean to you?

If you are an new real estate investor, there are a couple of big take aways for you from my discussion with Ron.  The first take away is…

  • In order to become successful, you have to be committed.  As Ron said, the most successful students that he had were all committed, and they were not just there to collect information.  Listen to Ron and stay committed!

The second big take away is a little less obvious, however, equally as important.

  • As the wise Philip McKernan says, ‘In the absence of clarity, take action.”  This is the exact same message that Ron is conveying.  The most successful people in the world became this way because they had to often make important decisions when they did not have all of the necessary information.  The point is that they did not wait for this information and for complete clarity.  They pulled the trigger, took the leap of faith, and took action…even when they were not certain what the result would be of their actions

Best Regards,

Neil Uttamsingh

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1 Comment to How To Be A Quick Turn Real Estate Millionaire

  • Neil – that’s a pretty cool story and some great insights. Are you going to implement anything you learned from Ron LeGrand? We are STILL getting calls from the massive Yellow Letter campaign we did after Dad and Dave did the course in Edmonton last October. We actually just went to a guys house yesterday who received a letter from us in November he said! Not sure yet if it will turn into a deal but still … some of what we learned from Ron’s course has definitely changed what we do.

    Hope your Habitat for Humanity talk went well.

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