How to screw up a real estate deal

Posted by neil on March 05, 2010

Greetings All,

I am back with another blog post.  Sorry it has been so long.  The studying for my Canadian Securities Course is in full swing, and as predicted is taking up much of my spare time.

Regardless, I am going to keep the blog posts coming.  Once my studying is over, I will post more frequently.

Now on to business.

Today I want to talk to you about Emotional Investing and Gut Instict Investing.

My fellow real estate blogger John Fedro, a.k.a. J-Fed wrote a very good article discussing emotional investing. You can read his article here. It was posted last week on Josh Dorkin’s premiere real estate social networking site

Last week I was having a detailed conversation with an experienced real estate investor on this topic.  It was a good conversation as we were both in agreement on this topic.

Here is a summary of what we talked about.

Emotional Investing

As you may or may not know, emotional investing is the worst type of investing you can do. If you are emotional with real estate investing you will definitely screw up many a deal.

What does emotional investing mean?

Emotional investing essentially is when you make decisions based on your feelings, and not based on logic. When you are investing in real estate you have to ensure that you work out all of the numbers on a particular rental property, and make a decision on whether to buy the property based on these numbers.

If you find that your emotions are taking over on a particular deal, this is the time where you need to pause and take a step back. More often than not, if real estate investors make emotional decisions with regards to purchasing rental properties, they are bound to make errors.

It is commonly believed by experienced real estate investors that all emotion MUST be removed from your decision making process. I agree 100% percent with these real estate investors. This is age old advice, so I will leave the explanation at that…

However, here is where the interesting, and perhaps controversial opinion comes into play.

Sure, we all know that we need to remove our emotions from our real estate investing decisions. Fine. Done and done.

However, how many of us know that we always have to invest according to our gut feeling?

The Gut Feeling

Whenever I am making a decision, and I go against my gut feeling, I can always feel it. I always know at that particular time that I am in fact, going opposite of what my gut is telling me to do. And guess what???

My gut feeling always is correct.

I cannot recall a single time in which my gut feeling has been wrong.

With regards to real estate investment, we need to always go by our gut feeling and invest in rental properties using this strategy.

For example, you may be considering a potential rental property that you want to purchase. The numbers and your analysis may look absolutely great. The cash flow could be awesome as well. Despite all of this, you have a funny feeling, a gut feeling that you should not invest in this property.

Your gut could be telling you this for a number of reasons. Perhaps you do not feel comfortable about the location that the property is located. Also, you could be concerned about your ability to find and locate tenants. Further, you might be concerned about your reserve fund, in that you feel that you do not have sufficient cash reserves in place in order to fund the property in the event of vacancies.

If there is ‘something’ that is holding you back from moving forward on the deal, you have to pay attention to this feeling. Often times, it could be your gut instinct ‘talking’ to you.

Listen to your gut people, it is always right!

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2 Comments to How to screw up a real estate deal

  • Hey Neil,

    As you know from watching 1 of our 31 videos, I couldn’t agree more with your comments! Investing SOLELY based on the numbers can be very bad, but when you do a gut check and your gut says “go for it”, then your investment should turn out well!

    I also wanted to commend you for your great comments in the recent Canadian Real Estate Magazine article (pgs 68-69 I think?)! And for your recent speaking engagement at W&B Academy – that’s a great way to push yourself to higher levels!

    Keep on keeping on Neil! And good luck with the CS licensing!


    • Hi Dave,

      Thanks very much for your comment.

      Thanks for noticing me in this month’s Canadian Real Estate Magazine. The speaking event at W&B Academy was great. I am looking forward to doing more events like those.

      All the best Dave. Talk to you soon.


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